Tips to learn paddle boarding quicker than you expected


Have you always been interested to take up paddle boarding but have backed out because the sport scared you? Do you feel scared but jealous of other people who paddle their way all along the beach waters? Here is your chance to be a pro on your standup paddleboard. Listed below are 10 basic tips you need to follow to learn paddle boarding quicker than you imagined, and also enjoy your experience.

Knowing how to swim is important. This will give you confidence when you are on your paddle board. Yes, the leash will hold you securely to your board, but when you know how to swim, you will not be afraid of falling off. This will make you enjoy the sport more than ever.

Invest in premium-quality paddle boards made from heavy-duty construction materials. Honu, for example, is a brand that you can trust when it comes to buying durable and high performance paddle boards.

Always start paddling with your knees, especially if you have never paddled before. Though there are many types of Honu paddle boards designed exclusively for beginners, it is highly recommended for you to start on your knees, when you take the board into the water.

Get to hold the paddle properly, as this will help you learn the sport quickly. You should one hand for holding the top of the paddle’s grip, while your other hand should be placed down at the shaft portion of the paddle. The paddle’s face should always face forward. For high-quality paddles and other paddle board accessories, you can visit

Though it may sound weird, experts advise you to practice falling off, to learn the techniques of paddle boarding quickly. The only thing you need to remember here is to fall away from the board, so that you can avoid damage to yourself and the board. When you learn how you can hang on to your paddle even after falling off, you will start to become extremely confident in this sport.

After falling off, learn how you can climb back on your board, and regain your balance. The key is to get to the centre of your paddle board, and try to get control over the paddle. 

While paddling, you should remember to use long and straight strokes that will propel you forward. You have to use your entire core and upper back muscles while creating strokes. Moving the paddles only with your arms will not result in powerful strokes.

Always check for the weather forecast before setting out on your paddle boarding trip. This will help you dress up appropriately (wearing wetsuits, sun protection creams, protective shirts, etc.) and feel comfortable when you are on water. 

Always carry a PFD (personal floatation device) with you, whenever you set out into the sea or ocean for paddle boarding. While it is not mandatory, it can save your life when you lose your balance in a big water body. When you have kids or pets along with you on your paddle board, a PFD is a must-have in your kit.

Though you may have learnt a few paddle boarding lessons from your friends or through observation, it is highly recommended to get a course from a professional, before taking your paddle board into the water. You can learn many tips and tricks when you get trained by an experienced and professional paddler.